We are thirlled that in our most recent inspection in June 2022, the school was found to be a good school. Please click below for a link to our report.
Behavour and Safety
"Pupils are very happy and feel safe at this school. Their b ehaviour in lessons and at social times is polite, respectful and calm." OFSTED, June 2022.
"Pupils are not worried about bullying . This is because the golden
values of the school help to build a respectful atmosphere where bullying is not tolerated." OFSTED, June 2022.
"Leaders have developed a strong curriculum in many areas. Reading and mathematics are particular examples. Leaders ambition is for all pupils to learn to read quickly. Teachers consistent approach to teaching reading is helping to achieve this aim. Pupils enjoy reading and spoke to inspectors enthusiastically about the books they read." OFSTED, June 2022
SEND Provision
"Pupils with SEND are well supported in lessons. This is because teachers make good use of the information that is shared with them about pupils needs Leaders also work well with external agencies so that staff are well trained." OFSTED, June 2022
PAstoral Care
"In lessons, pupils focus well on what they are learning. Caring relationships between pupils and adults mean that pupils persevere when they find things difficult. Low level disruption is kept to a minimum. Teachers deal with any behaviour issues quickly." OFSTED, June 2022