Mental Health and Wellbeing

Links to PSHE Curriculum
We follow the 'Jigsaw' scheme for our discrete PSHE teaching in curriculum year groups. Details can be found on the PSHE tab on the Curriulum page. Within these lessons, there are topics which develop children's understanding of their own emotional health. Our' chime bar time', helps chidlren develop a sense of calm and peace. Our use of mindfullness time in our indoor and oudoor learning activities supports this further.
Our Wonderful Nurture Provision
Our provision for Mental Health and Wellbeing has never been more important. All staff at Kirkburton First are dedicated to promoting the importance of our sense of wellbeing - and what we can do if we need help. Since September we have been delighted by our new Nurture Room (see photos below!), used daily by Mrs Morton and lots of children! Its atmosphere is one of calm and positivity, allowing children a safe space should they need one, in which to relax, to talk and to reflect on how they feel.
Our project for this half term is to make sure all classes have emotion check- in boards. This will allow staff to be aware of how all children are feeling. The 'check-in will be done in a discrete way, but the children will know that if they need our help, they will be heard.
Class teachers are in constant contact with Mrs Morton. Our nurture provision means that we have the ability to provide support as and when the need arises. This links closely with our Pupil Premium offer, but the support is for ALL children in our care. We will always communicate with parents, if we feel a need for extra support is needed, and explain how it would work for your child.
Our Excellent Links with Northorpe Hall
Our Rural Education Link Worker, Stacey Barton is an amazing support for our school, and is a direct link to Northorpe Hall Child and Family Trust. Stacey has provided tailored training for staff and has also hosted our Parent Worshops and Coffee Mornings. There are more planned in the near future!

Hello Yellow!
The whole school enjoyed saying 'Hello Yellow!'. This is a day organised by the charity Young Minds in co-ordination with World Mental Health Day.
#HelloYellow is all about showing young people that how they feel matters, and that there are people around them who care..
Our Parent workshops and Coffee Mornings
You are all very welcome to join us for our coffee morning events or our parents workshops. Across the year, we aim to host these at various times of the day to ensure everyone can attend at least 1.
Support, Advice and Useful Contacts
Kirklees - Northorpe Hall
Northorpe Hall Child & Family Trust is an independent charity, working closely with NHS and Kirklees Council.
Telephone: 01924 492183
A range of helpful resources from across the internet, including books to download, apps, useful websites, and videos that are available to help support your mental health and well-being.
Night Owls (Overnight West Yorkshire Listening and Advice Service)
West Yorkshire Night OWLS is a confidential support line for children, young people, their parents and carers who live in Bradford, Leeds, Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield.
Telephone: 0300 200 3900
Text: 07984 392700