PSHE @ Kirkburton First
The Intent of PSHE at Kirkburton First School
Relationships, sex, and health education is important at Kirkburton CE First School. Our intent is for this subject to:
• Prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of adult life.
• Give pupils the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.
• Support pupils’ skills to recognise positive, healthy, and respectful relationships.
• Help to safeguard pupils, so they can find and access help and support.
• Teach pupils’ tolerance, the importance of equality, and respect for diversity.
• Develop pupils’ self-respect and self-worth, confidence, and empathy.
We consider the obligations contained in the Equality Act 2010 and their responsibilities outlined in Public Sector Equality Duty Guidance for schools in England (EHRC, 2014)
The Implementation of PSHE at Kirkburton First School
At Kirkburton, we follow the Jigsaw program to ensure key knowledge and skills are imparted through a spiral curriculum, where previous learning is recapped and built upon.
The Impact of PSHE at Kirkburton First School
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