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The Intent of Art, craft and Design at Kirkburton First School

The Implementation of Art and Design at Kirkburton First School

Art, craft and design at Kirkburton First School is taught according to the year group guidance as outlined by the 2014 National Curriculum. In early years art, craft and design is taught in line with guidance taken from both the statutory EYFS and the non-statutory ‘Development Matters’ documents.

For more information on how art, craft and design is taught in reception, please see our early years policy and early years curriculum overview.

For years one and above, art, craft and design is planned in conjunction with design and technology with the two subjects taught on a half termly rotation meaning that by the end of each school year children in each year group should have been taught three half termly units based on art, craft and design and three units based on design and technology. To ensure the correct level of coverage of knowledge of artists, crafts people and designers and acquisition of creative skills, class teachers carefully complete their long term plans, considering opportunities for cross-curricular learning in which new knowledge and skills can be applied and embedded outside of discrete lessons, helping children to develop a broader understanding of the relevance of each subject and its content.

The Impact of Art and Design at Kirkburton First School

Look at Willow and Rowan Class's explorative colour mixing, emerging observational and sketching skills– 

In Key Stage 2 children are demonstrating more mastery of drawing and sketching techniques. 

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