School Uniform
Below are the links to the external suppliers of our uniform.
Our uniform consists of the following:
- Grey skirt/pinafore dress/shorts/trousers or blue and white checked or striped dresses – not jogging bottoms
- White blouse, shirt or polo shirt either plain or with the Kirkburton First School logo
- Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan, without a hood, either plain or with the Kirkburton First School logo
- Plain (white, grey or black) short or knee length socks (not over the knee) or black, navy or grey tights
- Shoes should be flat, brown or black, without logos and appropriate for school. Your child should wear shoes which he or she can manage to do up independently wherever possible.
P.E. Kit
Children are permitted to wear school P.E. Kit to school on the days they have P.E. lessons. These days will be communicated by the class teacher.
On P.E. Days, all children wear:
- black shorts
- plain white T-shirt, plain white polo shirt or our yellow PE top with logo
- a pair of plimsolls/trainers – velcro fastenings are preferable for younger children
- navy or black jogging bottoms and top for outdoor lessons in cold weather
- Their normal navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan, without a hood, either plain or with the Kirkburton First School logo, in the case of cold weather.
Uniform Policy 2022-23.pdf
Located in Skelmanthorpe, TopClass will offer a name-embroidery service at an additional cost to avoid items being lost.
MyClothing replaced Tesco Uniform Shop.
Bridge are offering our old 'Working Together' logo uniform at a slightly reduced cost. We have no issue if parents wish to purchase this.