Breakfast and After School Clubs
We run our school club daily from 7.45am-8.50am, and 3.25pm-5.30pm.
Applying for a place at our school club
"If you are interested in your child attending our Breakfast and After School Club, please download and complete the form below, and return it to the school office. You will then be able to make bookings using our ParentPay system. Should you require any further information, please give us a call or pop in to see us."
After School Club Registration & Declaration Form.docx
Breakfast Club (7.45am-8.50am) - £6.00 per session, including breakfast.
After School Lite Club (3.25pm - 4.15pm) - £4.60 per session, including a minimal snack.
After School Club (3.25pm - 5.30pm) - £10.30 per session, including an evening snack.