Governors' Welcome
Hello and welcome to the Governors' pages of Kirkburton CE First School
As governors, we are very proud of our school; our children work very hard and are well behaved, but they are also recognised as being individuals and given plenty of opportunities to have fun. We are also proud of our staff. The teaching staff put a huge number of hours into preparing and delivering lessons while also giving the children the pastoral care and attention they need. Our committed team ensure that all pupils are afforded the best opportunities to develop as learners and citizens, and our support staff always ‘go the extra mile’ to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
What do school governors do?
The Governing Body is responsible for the overall performance of the school. Governors have to ensure that the education provided, and the way in which the children, staff and parents are treated, are in accordance with the law and with the various regulations laid down by the authorities.This does not mean we interfere with the day-to-day running of the school – our role is that of a ‘critical friend’. We make decisions as a corporate group so no single governor is ever solely responsible, some of our specific responsibilities include:
- Setting the strategic vision for the school
- Appointing and performance managing the Headteacher
- Ensuring the quality of teaching and learning
- Ensuring that an appropriate curriculum is taught
- Celebrate the school’s successes
- Ensuring all the school’s results are published each year
- Inputting to and ratifying school policies
- Monitoring the school budget to ensure financial security
- Helping to decide priorities for the school such as new building work or staffing structures.
Governors also play an active part in school life (attend performances, fundraisers, sports days etc) and carry out regular monitoring visits in school on areas of focus (eg SEND, mathematics, English, Safeguarding etc) so you and the children should see us around and about at school!
The Governing Body meet five times a year to focus on all key areas such as finance, safeguarding, learning and teaching, standards and leadership. We receive a report from the Headteacher covering the crucial areas of the school’s work that we are required to monitor against the School Development Plan. As well as full governing body meetings we have various committees and link governor roles which you may like to contribute to. There is a lot of ‘business’ to address at each meeting but children’s safety, happiness and progress is always our priority in all that we do, as it is for everyone at school.
Who can be a school governor?
Governors are volunteers who work closely with the Headteacher and the school’s senior leadership team. The initial term of office is four years but governors can stay on for further terms if re-appointed. You don’t have to have children at school to be a governor. We welcome people with diverse backgrounds, occupations and life experiences. You will need to pass a formal check for your suitability to be within a school. No specific qualifications are required and there is plenty of training and support available to help you learn about the role. What’s really important is that you have the skills, time and commitment to help drive school improvement and the passion and ambition to achieve the best possible education for children in our care.
How can I become a school governor?
All governors perform the same role but there are different types depending on how they get the position. At our school we have Foundation Governors (appointed through All Hallows Church), Staff Governor (elected by colleagues), Local Authority Governor (appointed through Kirklees Council) and Parent Governors. When a Parent Governor vacancy arises parents are notified via the school’s Newsletter and given the opportunity to volunteer. Elections are held if more than one person is interested for each vacancy. We have some very committed families at Kirkburton First School and this shows – there are always people who are prepared to give their time to join us on the Governing Body.
If you would like any further information you can contact the Governing Body via letter through the school office or sending an e-mail for the attention of the Chair;
Mrs Gemma Berry
Chair of the Governing Body