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Kirkburton CE First School

Friends of Kirkburton CE First School (PTA) 

What do we do?

We aim to provide you with information on all the activities the PTA undertakes in support of our school and its children, as well as keeping you up-to-date on our latest news, events and fundraising plans.

What is the PTA?

The PTA is a voluntary organisation and an association of which ALL parents and guardians of children attending our school as well as its teaching staff, are effectively members. Members are entitled to attend meetings, vote on proposals and make suggestions for spending or raising funds. 

Delivering this broad remit of activities is only possible through the commitment and enthusiasm of our committee members and great band of volunteers, who all work extremely hard in support of the school and to benefit the children. 

What are the core activities?

Kirkburton CE First School PTA plays an extremely important role in the life of the school and assists it in a number of ways:

  • COMMUNICATION with PARENTS                                                                                                                      

How can I get involved?

The PTA always welcomes and encourages new parents' involvement; we are keen to have a breadth of representative opinions from all the year groups and also to capitalise on the talents, skillsets and experience of our parents and staff - and you'll discover ones you never knew you had!

Meeting new people; knowing more about what goes on in Kirkburton; having a say in how money should be allocated and making a difference to the children's experience at Kirkburton are just some of the benefits you will gain by being involved with our PTA. Our meetings are open to everyone, so why not come along and listen to the range of topics being discussed – you can contribute and choose to get involved as much or as little as you wish. The meetings are very informal and relaxed and held every half-term at school (flexible times).

Volunteer - If you don't wish to take on an active role within the committee then we always need volunteers at our events to make them a success and any time or help you can give is much appreciated.

If you would like any other information regarding the PTA; are interested in joining the committee or have suggestions or ideas about fund-raising, please do not hesitate to contact any of the PTA Committee, email PTA@kirkburtonfirst.co.uk or alternatively drop a note into the school office for the attention of the PTA. 

We look forward to your support over the coming year - many thanks!


Meet The PTA Committee

The current PTA officers of the committee are:

Kimberley Penny - Chair

Amanda Ryan - Secretary

James Collett - Treasurer