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Kirkburton CE First School


Modern Foreign Languages (French) @ Kirkburton First

The Intent of Modern Foreign Languages at Kirkburton

At Kirkburton our modern foreign language is French. The National Curriculum requires us to teach a modern foreign language in Key Stage 2 so the classes are taught French fom Class 3. We want children to become confident learners so provide opportunities for speaking, listening, reading and writing, to increase their cultural capital and encourage them to think of themselves as part of a wider global community. Our curriculum is designed in partnership with Kirkburton Middle School with the intention of providing the children with a good foundation of basic vocabulary and common phrases.

The Implementation of Modern Foreign Languages at Kirkburton

French Skills Progression.pdfYear 3 French SoW AUTUMN.docxYear 3 French SoW SPRING.docxYear 3 French SoW SUMMER.docxYear 4 French SoW AUTUMN.docxYear 4 French SoW SPRING.docxYear 4 French SoW SUMMER.docxYear 5 French SoW AUTUMN.docxYear 5 French SoW SPRING.docxYear 5 French SoW SUMMER.docx


Our French curriculum is carefully planned to ensure knowledge progression and has been written with direct input from Kirkburton Middle School, to ensure that the children can enter the next phase of their education with the requisite knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

To introduce children to learning a language in a fun and interactive way, lessons are supplemented with  the use of songs and games.

The Impact of Modern Foreign Languages at Kirkburton

This section is for posting high-quality photo examples of work from pupils, and quotes from children about the subject.

Please also reference the 5-minute starter work we do to help the children retain their knowledge and skills over time.