At Kirkburton, we firmly believe that every single child is talented, and it is our desire that they are given the opportunities, the encouragement and the expertise to flourish. Creativity is at the centre of much of what we do here at Kirkburton, and we pride ourselves on prioritising our children’s mental health and wellbeing through our dedicated nurture provision and Forest School lessons.
Across our website, you will find out about all the provision, resources and expertise that come together to make our school such a great place to be - a place where your child will be nurtured to Love, Learn and Shine!
Will Adams, Headtecher
Read MoreOur Values
For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself” Galatians 5:14
Be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded 2 Chronicles 15:7
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven Matthew 5:16
My child feels loved nurtured and absolutely loves school. He has never complained about going to school and this speaks volume for the school’s vision , ethos and caring staff.Parent Questionnaire, 2024
Pupils are very happy and feel safe at this school. Their behaviour in lessons and at social
times is polite, respectful and calm. Pupils enjoy spending time in each other s company
and have very positive relationships with adults. One pupil told inspectors that the school is "happy, joyful and beautiful." Ofsted, June 2022 - Kirkburton First school enables my child to flourish in many ways. The love and care school provide is evident in all schools does. Its is definitely the staff that live out this vision of the school and truly support my child to Love, Learn and Shine! Parent Questionnaire, 2024
"Well I've been to plenty of school concerts over the years but todays was outstanding.The performances were excellent, and had clearly involved a great deal of work from staff and children alike: huge congratulations!"The children certainly shone brightly and you should all be very proud."Rev. Maureen